I have spent the majority of this week deciding on where to begin a rather large project at work.
Build-A-Cap v2.0
Flash Project
Can it be the Summer time aromas of tanning lotion and thick, heavy southern heat that completely remove all my will power…? Even my school work is taking a backseat for the cost of a natural tendency to lay around and eat ice popsicles until i have small incisions on the sides of my mouth from the plastic.
My recent engagement with my lovely fiance’ is pulling together on it’s own. I can not equate my attention span to this exciting transition in my life. I am truly happy about how well this is going…
Sometimes I feel that my peripheral work-work is preventing the creative process. I can not focus on the matters at hand with the fluttering of other work issues queuing themselves in my Inbox.
oh well, push on and push hard….