It seems as hard as I look, the less I find any music worth adding to my collection. After about 2 hours everything blends together and all sounds the same as if no distinct sound can be deciphered. iTunes is the worst place to find new music…the Genius module is a joke. It seems the music selection preferences are driven by the same people who call 50+ times to vote for the hack singer on American Idol. It’s all watered down and being fed to me in waves of glossy Web 2.0 buttons with no order. No reason. Beh!
I wonder if the copyfight issues are making the music industry buy into any nut job with a bass beat and starchy guitar chords.
To top it all off, music is very important to my process. It allows me to focus and keeps my heart pumping. If the good artists are so hard to find, how do I filter the enourmous amount of unoriginal sounds hitting the industry…