Concierge Medicine – The New Social Medicine Culture

f=””>So many buzz words have been struck into the minds of american”s over the past decade.  Much of the information has left people with little knowledge about a lot.  While terms like “social medicine”, “socialism” and “social media” and “social (append edgy cool name here)” have uplifted a world community debate, we have yet to deliver this…

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The Perspective Of A Small Business Owner In Social Media”>It’s a great feeling to consult to another small business owner and see the fire in the eyes and the hear the excitement in their voice while they describe their business and why they are the best at what they do.  It’s great because I sit next to them sharing same adrenaline dream of making it work.…

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Remembering the Milk…Time To Make Another List”> I am a huge list maker and have little notes laying everywhere…   If you do too then look no further. A colleague recently turned me onto a little application that in just the past few days has allowed me a little ‘peace’ of mind.  I spin around all day in different roles and speak…

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