Gist Logo

@Gist And The Social Importance Factor”>Have no fear, Gist is here! On the tail end of my conversations on Social Media and it’s impact on our behavior, I end up bringing awareness to a growing, and exhaustive, amount of time our social networks require and how ‘that’ time is becoming just as valuable as the information and interactions we seek.…

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Death To The DVD

It is not surprising the film industry is showing strain while trying to compete with the fast nature of the growing copyright infringers.  You need only look up the wiki on the term ‘torrent’ to find how and why digital movie promotions and direct to DVD patterns are changing.  While stealing a movie is illegal, I…

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Fiverr image

What Would YOU Do For $5? Asks Everyone

f=””> In the world of quip communication and information abundance, f=”” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”> has found a way to maximize your cash.  Users of Fiverr can post services to the world where for a not-to-shabby $5 you can get everything from motivational words, website help and even lyrics to a song. How exciting is this?  Well,…

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