Here we are again. Only this time, I am no longer overwhelmed by my thick thumbs and have conquered the touchy-feely HTC touchscreen. I now utilize the haptic feedback for the keyboard and can navigate this device with my eyes closed. Well…..almost.
In this demo I take 4 examples of ways to help yourself with the Nexus One. This is not without saying that this functionality is also found in other mobile devices (especially other Android-based phones) but I feel the Nexus One has made it usable and easy and HERE is proof.
Whether you have seen these options before or possibly never seen them, this demo can give you insight on how to make the Nexus One more useful for you. Get rid of the TomTom and put away your foreign language pocket dictionaries. This phone (on phones like it) may very well do both and it’s all free.
Thanks for checking out the demo…!