So….I’m working. Not the easy stuff. But the hard kind. The kind of work that solidifies foundations for future work. The kind of work you hear your grandparents talk about. You know the stories that are told long into senility. Every time, the story gets retold to a younger generation as they cringe of exaggeration. They think, much like I did, that no one should have to work that hard.
I was wrong.
It is in the brief moment we decide we want to achieve more that our minds open up to the possibility of success. The brilliant light of free will blinding our fears and inhibitions. We gradually step forward as if carrying two giant boulders on our backs while our hearts beat a deep red.
The fight, the journey and an exceptionalist state of business are grand symptoms of success.
Cheers to that. Cheers to @StandAndStretch for 2012.